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Formación onlineEn ases Learning creemos que el conocimiento sobre ingeniería ecológica, biodiversidad, HSE y cambio climático no es exclusivo de unos cuantos, sino que debe estar al alcance de aquellas personas con ganas de aprender, superarse, transformar sus posibilidades; pero sobre todo, de personas convencidas de que se pueden hacer las cosas de una forma diferente, buscando una transición hacia un mundo más verde, justo y sustentable.
Una plataforma web3 dedicada a la acción climátioca a través de Blockchain y ReFi
En Nat5 vinculamos la restauración ecológica con el mundo de las Fintech y la innovación. Los socios de Nat5 se benefician por la apreciación del fondo y por la creación de sumideros de C02 que en el mundo actual tienen un alto valor y una demanda que aumenta constantemente de acuerdo a la evolución del mercado voluntario del carbono. Creamos servicios y activos de carbono para industrias e individuos ¡Estamos cambiando las reglas del juego!
Natcoin el cripto activo de la acción climática
Nuestro trabajo científico reciente
Invasion dynamics and potential future spread of sea spurge (Euphorbia parallias) across Australia’s coastal dunes
2021: Giulio, S., Pinna, L.C., Carboni, M., Marzialetti, F., Acosta, A.T.R., Garbolino, E., Tommaso, J. Invasion dynamics and potential future spread of sea spurge (Euphorbia parallias) across Australia’s coastal dunes. Journal of Biogeography. Accepted for publication.
An environmentally-balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots.
2021: Sabatini, F.M., Lenoir, J., …, Garbolino, E. et al. sPlotOpen – An environmentally-balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 1-25.
Integrating climate change scenarios for assessing baseline scenario trends.
2021: Garbolino, E., Hinojos Mendoza, G., Gutierrez Ramos, C.A., Mariscal Guerra, J., Jáquez Frías, L., Heredia Corral, D.M..- Integrating climate change scenarios for assessing baseline scenario trends. International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) conference IAIA2021 “Smartening Impact Assessment in Challenging Times”, 18-21 May 2021.
Methods and tools in Geoprospective in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach
2020: Voiron-Canicio, C., Garbolino, E., Fusco, G., Loubier, J.C.,.-Methods and tools in Geoprospective in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach. Elsevier.
How do public policies respond to spatialized environmental issues? Feedback and perspectives in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach.
2020: Voiron-Canicio, C., Garbolino, E., Cecutti, N., Lavalle, C., Hernandez Chavez, J.J.- How do public policies respond to spatialized environmental issues? Feedback and perspectives in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach. Elsevier.
Assessing Suitable Areas of Common Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) for Current and Future Climate Situations: The CDS Toolbox SDM.
2020: Hinojos Mendoza, G., Gutierrez Ramos, C.A., Heredia Corral, D.M., Soto Cruz, R., Garbolino, E. Assessing Suitable Areas of Common Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) for Current and Future Climate Situations: The CDS Toolbox SDM. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1201.
Geoprospective approach for biodiversity conservation taking into account human activities and global warming in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach.
2020: Hinojos Mendoza, G., Garbolino, E.- Geoprospective approach for biodiversity conservation taking into account human activities and global warming in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach. Elsevier.
Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach.
2020: Garbolino, E., Voiron-Canicio, C.- Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach. Elsevier.- 400p.
Expected net primary productivity evolution towards 2100 in Mexico country: implications for wood energy supply chain.
2020: Garbolino, E., Hinojos Mendoza, G., Daniel, W., Gutierrez Ramos, C., Heredia Corral, D., Soto Cruz, R.- Expected net primary productivity evolution towards 2100 in Mexico country: implications for wood energy supply chain. EUBCE 2020: Bioeconomy's role in the post-pandemic economic recovery: 46-49.
Anticipating the impacts of future changes on ecosystems: Main issues of geoprospective in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach.
2020: Garbolino, E., Baudry, J.- Anticipating the impacts of future changes on ecosystems: Main issues of geoprospective in Ecosystem and territorial resilience: a geoprospective approach. Elsevier.